Special Session I

Intelligent Navigation and Perception for Autonomous Robotic Systems

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Accurate perception, precise positioning, and effective control determine the safety and efficiency of an autonomous robotic system. However, existing methods cannot fully enable ubiquitous navigation and perception in many complex robotic applications, and there are still numerous challenges that need to be addressed.
This session is dedicated to exploring state-of-the-art methodologies for intelligent robotic navigation and perception. This includes, but is not limited to, Artificial Intelligence-based navigation and perception, integrated navigation, simultaneous localization and mapping, intelligent control, multi-robot navigation and control, and any other navigation and perception methods within the robotic domain.


Jun Xiong, Associate Professor

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Mingxing Chen, Doctor

Anhui Polytechnic University, China

Lecturer in the School of Electrical Engineering, Anhui University of Engineering. His research interests are multi-source information fusion and cooperative navigation system, and he has presided over the Scientific Research Project of Anhui Higher Education Institutions of China and other projects. He has been awarded the annual excellent journal paper of China Journal of Inertial Technology and other awards.