Special Session X

Recent Advances in Autonomy and Intelligence of Marine Robotics

Submission Guideline:

Please submit your manuscript via Online Submission System: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rcae2024
Please choose Special Session: Recent Advances in Autonomy and Intelligence of Marine Robotics


Recent advances in marine robotics have provided us with more effective means to monitor, intervene, explore and exploit in the marine environment. The increasing use of marine intelligent robotic platforms such as unmanned surface vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned underwater vehicles provide many benefits for humans such as improved efficiency, higher reliability, reduced operational cost, minimal risks, enlarged application scope, etc.
This session is seeking high-quality original contributions, soliciting high-level technical papers addressing the main research challenges related to autonomy and intelligence of marine robotics. This includes, but is not limited to, modelling and control, localization and navigation, perception and motion planning, learning and artificial intelligence (AI), coordination and games, simulations and case studies of applications, etc.


Lei Qiao, Assistant Professor

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Man Wang, Doctor

Anhui Polytechnic University, China