Special Session IV

Intelligent Computing and Its Applications

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Intelligent computing is a kind of computing based on artificial intelligence technology, which is mainly used to deal with complex, high-dimensional, dynamic and unstructured data and problems. Intelligent computing combines multidisciplinary knowledge of computer science, mathematics, physics, statistics, etc., and is applied in the fields of big data analytics, intelligent robotics, autonomous driving, smart home, smart city, smart healthcare, and financial technology. The main technologies of intelligent computing include machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, deep learning, reinforcement learning, genetic algorithms, Bayesian networks, neural networks, and so on. These technologies can be used to simulate human intelligent behavior and automatically complete a variety of tasks, such as speech recognition, natural language understanding, image recognition, intelligent recommendation, automatic driving, intelligent customer service and so on. It is due to the wide range of applications and importance of intelligent computing that it has received a great deal of attention in both scientific research and industry. Researchers are constantly proposing new intelligent computing methods and techniques to improve computational efficiency and accuracy and to solve more complex problems. Industry is also continuously investing money and manpower to develop and promote intelligent computing technologies to improve productivity and reduce costs.


Ming Zhang

Wuhan Institute of Technology

Ming Zhang is currently a Lecturer with the Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robot, School of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Artificial Intelligence, Wuhan Institute of Technology. She graduated from Jiangnan University with a bachelor's degree and a PhD degree in Control Science and Engineering. Her research interests include the field of Intelligent Computing and Natural Language Processing, including Deep Learning, Swarm Intelligence, Sentiment Analysis, and Large Language Models. She was awarded the National Natural Science Foundation of China (62106180) and participated in the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program). She has published over 10 papers in Natural Language Processing and Intelligent Computing.

Binzi Xu

Anhui Polytechnic University, China

Binzi Xu, born in June 1992, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, is a lecturer in the School of Electrical Engineering, Anhui Polytechnic University. He graduated from Nanjing Institute of Technology with a bachelor's degree in automation (CNC), Jiangnan University with a PhD degree in control science and engineering. He is mainly engaged in the research of evolutionary computation, optimization algorithm and its application in intelligent manufacturing. He has presided over and completed the 2020 Anhui University Scientific Research Program, participated in the National Key Research and Development Program and the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program). He has published over 20 papers in domestic and international academic journals and conferences.