Special Session III

Multi-Modal Intelligent Information Processing

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Please choose Special Session: Multi-Modal Intelligent Information Processing


Multimodal intelligent information processing explores the intersection of various modalities in information processing, with a focus on its applications in transportation, robotics, and drones. In today's technology-driven world, multimodal information fusion is crucial for enhancing the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of decision-making systems. We invite researchers and practitioners to share their insights on how multimodal data, such as images, text, audio, and sensor data, can be effectively integrated and analyzed to intelligent systems in the transportation domain, enabling safer and smoother travel. Additionally, we will delve into how multimodal processing can enhance the autonomy and perception capabilities of robots and drones, opening new horizons in their applications. 


Shaosheng Xu

Anhui Normal University

Shaosheng Xu primarily focuses on data analysis and fusion, systems science, and stochastic optimization. He is proficient in data analysis and fusion techniques and has a deep understanding of systems science theory and practice. He obtained his doctoral degree in Control Science and Engineering from Southeast University. Currently, he is employed at the School of Computer and Information Science, Anhui Normal University, while also serving as a postdoctoral researcher at State Wuhu Machinery Factory.

Yaocong Hu

Anhui Polytechnic University, China

Yaocong Hu received the B.S. degree in automation from Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu, China, in 2014 and received the M.S. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent system from Anhui University, Hefei, China, in 2017. Now, He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree with the School of Automation, Southeast University. Currently, he is employed at the School of Computer and Information Science, Anhui Polytechnic University。 His current research interests include image processing and deep learning.