1. All papers must be written in English and submitted electronically in PDF format.
2. Content of any submissions should be original and must not be submitted for consideration in any other conferences or journals.
3. To ensure high quality, all papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the International Program Committee on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.
4. All accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee.



Paper Submission | 投稿截止
August 20th, 2024 | 2024年8月20日

Notification Date | 通知时间
September 10th, 2024 | 2024年9月10日

Registration Deadline | 注册截止日期
September 25th, 2024 | 2024年9月25日

Camera-ready | 注册资料提交
September 25th, 2024 | 2024年9月25日


Full Manuscripts | 全文
Complete paper is requested if you are considering publishing your paper. Full paper should be 4-10 pages including paper title, authors' names, abstract, keywords, figures, tables, references and appendices.

全文模板下载:Full Paper Template (.docx) / Full Paper Template (Latex)

Online Submission System | 投稿链接 (click)

Abstracts | 摘要
If you just want to make an oral presentation without paper publication, then you can only submit an abstract. You may submit more than 1 abstract. However, presenters that are accepted for oral presentation will be permitted to give only 1 oral presentation. Additional accepted abstracts will therefore be poster only. Notification regarding abstract acceptance and scheduling will be sent to the submitting author.

摘要模板下载 / Abstract Template


Oral Sessions | 口头报告
The presentation times for oral sessions are listed below:
1. Contributed presentations: 15 minutes
2. Invited talks: 20-30 minutes
3. Please note that each session room will be equipped with a LCD projector, screen, point device, microphone, and a laptop with general presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Reader. Please make sure that your files are compatible and readable with our operation system by using commonly used fronts and symbols. If you plan to use your own computer, please try the connection and make sure it works before your presentation.

Poster Sessions | 海报展示
Poster sessions are scheduled for selected papers that may be better presented with greater visual details, allowing attendees who share interests similar to yours to study and restudy the information and having discussions one-on-one. For poster sessions, the conference provides each presenter a bulletin area where the speaker can mount a poster [60 cm (W) ´ 80 cm (H)] and provide flyers of the research, if any. Note that authors must be around their bulletin area during the poster sessions to present their research and answer questions.